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201663日,来自香港大学的博士生刘畅与意大利罗马路易斯大学 (LUISS University) 博士生 Mattia Casula 一起被任命为 RSARegional Studies Association)理事会新一届的学生代表。


RSA 学生代表属于 RSA 理事会成员,可参加 RSA年度理事会议,旅费由RSA承担。







Name: Chang Liu, Chloe

Organisation: The University of Hong Kong, China

Email: chloeliu@hku.hk


Chloe Liu is currently a PhD research student in the Department of Urban Planning and Design at the University of Hong Kong. Her current research interests are about the cultural and creative industries and regional development studies. She has previously been awarded a M.S. in Urban Planning from Columbia University in New York, and holds a B.S. in Landscape Architecture from Tongji University in Shanghai.


附:上一届学生代表Eduardo Oliveira的离任感言:


Being the student representative of the Regional Studies Association is definitely more than a title, a set of tasks or procedures to accomplish. It is more being able to share visions, goals and the passion of making of regional studies a discipline that really matters in day to day life.

Two years have passed since I was appointed Student Representative of the Regional Studies Association. Two years passionately committed to the RSA’s strategies and goals of enhancing regional studies and regional science worldwide, in particular among students and early career researchers. Working together with the RSA team gave me the feeling of joining a united and mutually supportive family. United through the passion of enhancing regional studies, of sharing knowledge and engaging with academics and practitioners around regional issues. As student representative, I had the opportunity to work together with bright and inspiring researchers, bringing together students, early careers researchers and senior experts. Despite the end of my period as student representative I can promise that I will continue supporting the Regional Studies Association to strengthen its position as a world leading learning society in regional studies and regional science. I will continue supporting students and early career researchers in their quest for more funding, more career opportunities and more access to knowledge.



(编辑  任晴)

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