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王琛,浙江大学地球科学学院教授、博士生导师,兼任浙江大学雄安发展中心副主任、国际区域研究协会(Regional Studies Association)中国分会理事、中国地理学会经济地理专业委员会委员、中国行政区划与区域发展促进会行政区划与空间治理专业委员会副主任委员、浙江省地理学会常务理事。 |
主要从事产业与区域经济发展等方面的研究,在《Journal of Economic Geography》《Journal of Rural Studies》《Urban Studies》《Environment and Planning A》《International Business Review》《地理学报》《地理研究》等国内外期刊发表学术论文30余篇,出版英文专著1本;主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、国家自然科学基金面上基金、国际区域研究协会基金4项。 Dr. Cassandra Chen Wang is Professor in the School of Earth Sciences, Zhejiang University. Her research interests include trans-boundary knowledge/technology spillovers and firm innovation, industrial cluster and regional economies, e-commerce adoption and rural development etc. She is the author of Upgrading China's Information and Communication Technology Industry: State-Firm Strategic Coordination and the Geography of Technological Innovation, and her work widely appears in the peer-reviewed international journals such as Journal of Economic Geography, Economic Geography, Journal of Rural Studies, International Business Review, Environment and Planning A, Urban Studies, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, among many others. She is the PI of three national research projects granted by National Science Foundation of China and is the recipient of Regional Studies Association Early Career Grant. |
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