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何深静,现任香港大学建筑学院 教授、副院长、Social Infrastructure for Equity and Wellbeing(SIEW)实验室主任,是国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金以及中国青年地理科技奖获得者。曾先后担任中山大学地理科学与规划学院教授、院长助理(2008-2014),哈佛大学设计研究院(Harvard GSD)访问学者(2014), 英国卡迪夫大学规划与地理学院研究员(2006-2008)等职位。何教授的研究兴趣集中在城市更新、绅士化、城市贫困、低收入住房、健康城市等方向。 |
她已发表中英文论文120余篇,其中SSCI/SCI收录65余篇。英文专著、编著5本。根据Web of Science ESI指数,她于2016-2020连续五年被列为相关学科顶尖百分之一学者 (Top 1% scholars) ,并于 2015-2020连续六年被Elsevier出版集团评为高被引中国学者(社会科学类)。何教授目前担任国际知名期刊Urban Studies编辑、曾任Journal of Rural Studies副主编、并担任Journal of Urban Affairs, Geography Compass, International Planning Studies, Area Development and Policy, Asian Geographers等期刊国际编委,在Cities,Environment and Planning A, Eurasian Geography and Economics, Geoforum, Journal of Housing and Built Environment, Journal of Urban Affairs, Sustainable Cities and Society,Urban Geography等国际知名期刊担任客座编辑组织了10期专刊。她还先后担任区域研究协会(RSA)中国分会副理事长、美国地理学家协会(AAG)中国地理学组(CGSG)主席、国际地理联合会(IGU)城市地理委员会指导委员、中国城市研究网络(UCRN)指导委员、亚太住房研究网络(APNHR)指导委员、国际中国城市规划学会(IACP)指导委员、中国地理学会城市地理专业委员会秘书长等工作。
Shenjing He is Professor of Urban Studies in the Department of Urban Planning and Design, and Director of the Social Infrastructure for Equity and Wellbeing (SIEW) Lab at The University of Hong Kong. She has published widely on various topics of urban and housing studies, including urban redevelopment/ gentrification, enclave urbanism, urban governance, housing inequalities, rural-urban interface, and health geography. Shenjing serves as an editor for Urban Studies since 2012, and sits on the editorial board of several urban and geographical journals. She recently launches a research project to investigate the emerging forms of neighbourhood order, including for example, gated communities featuring privileged access to education service and another project to examine multi-dimensional housing inequalities in pandemic-stricken megacities. |
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